Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Network, Network, Network

 Short blog post today. 

Too shy to admit I am kind of terrible with the whole network with colleagues thing. I am pretty good at building a business relationship with customers doing technical support and my co-workers generally appreciate my work and I think trust me.  But building that network of folks to pass along a resume to is just hard for me, I hate to impose even when it is my time of need to ask for help.  It is strange as once I have my ducks in a row, I don't have that same reluctance to walk over to someones desk (or slack/zoom) and ask for help when I need it.  Maybe it is that network relationship feels casual versus the peer to peer discussion of some shared work with the responsibility to my coworker to solve an issue that I am not shy about.


Making progress on my reviews of Python and Kubernetes.  It's amazing how much I retained even when not having used Kubernetes in two years. The Kubernetes course I am doing feels a little patched together now as the additional material that has been added since I first took the course doesn't flow as consistently as the rest of the course. It still works and feels like it covers the topics well and I certainly see the team behind the course not wanting to recreate the whole of the material just for the recent tweaks and changes within Kubernetes.     

Need to find sources for good pictures to include, maybe something with a creative commons or public domain license to give the blog posts some color. Tried some AI tools but still not sure I am getting the results I want yet...

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